Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, November 7, 2011


Noah had his 15 month check-up today. I hate seeing him getting his shots. It looks very painful.
Noah a eu son rendez-vous de 15 mois chez le medecin. C'est difficile de regarder quand il recoit ses vaccins; pauvre ptit bebe!

Some numbers/Quelques numbres:
Height/Grandeur: 31.25 inches/pouces   50%
Weight/Poids: 22.11 lbs    25%
Head Circumference/Circonference de la tete: 48cm   75%

He is not tall or short, just perfect. He is a little light, but has big brains!
Il n'est pas grand ou petit, juste parfait. Il est un peu leger, mais a un gros cerveau!

The picture doesn't fit at all...Only proves that he is also a clean boy ;)
La photo n'est pas vraiment compatible...Ca prouve seulement qu'il est aussi un bebe propre ;)

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