Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Deep sleep

This little guy joined me this morning. He snores! He was so gone that I had to wake him up to go to church.
Ce ptit homme est venu me rejoindre ce matin. Il ronfle! Il dormait tellement dur que j'ai du le reveiller pour aller a l'Eglise!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


We are moving today! And it's raining...a lot! :( Noah is in a good mood, at least! 
On demenage aujourd'hui! Et il pleut...beaucoup! :( Noah est de bonne humeur, au moins!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Noah and I spent some time outside this morning.
Noah et moi avons passe du temps dehors ce matin.

He played in the water...
Il a joue dans l'eau...
and got all wet. 
et s'est tout mouille.
 We passed over the train tracks
Nous avons passe par-dessus un chemin de fer
to get to the playground.
pour se rendre au parc.
It was quite a lot of walking and we were really tired on our way back. 
But it was lots of fun!
C'etait beaucoup de marche et nous etions tres fatigues en retournant. Mais c'etait vraiment amusant!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beautiful day

After getting great books at the Library, Noah and I 
went to the Riparian Preserve
Apres s'etre pris de beaux livres a la bibliotheque, Noah et moi sommes alles a la "Preserve Riveraine".
We saw a lot of ducks! It was really nice to see different species. 
We even saw a couple of rabbits!
Nous y avons vu beaucoup de canards. C'etait bien de voir differentes especes. Nous avons meme vu quelques lapins!
 Noah was going crazy; running EVERYWHERE and really fast.
It was hard to keep up with him.
Noah etait tres energique; Il courait PARTOUT et tres vite en plus.
C'etait difficile de le suivre.
 I was able to get good pictures. He knew what to do!
J'ai ete capable de prendre de belles photos. Il savait quoi faire!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Frosty the Snowman

He kinda looks like the cat behind him! 
Il ressemble un peu comme le chat en arriere de lui!