Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I tried to take a picture of Noah with his guitar, but he was turning too fast! And it didn't help that it was with my phone. I like the result though.

J'ai essaye de prendre une photo de Noah avec sa guitare, mais il tournait trop vite! Et ca n'a pas aide de le faire avec mon cellullaire. J'aime quand meme le resultat.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Noah loves to be outside. We unfortunately don't stay long because it's so hot. Can't wait for the weather to cool down! 
Noah aime beaucoup etre dehors. Nous ne restons malheureusement pas tres longtemps dehors parce qu'il fait tellement chaud. J'ai hate que ca se refroidisse!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Red Chair

My handsome little boy patiently waiting for his daddy.
Mon beau petit garcon attendant son papa patiemment.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Noah likes to make random faces while playing, just because.
Noah aime parfois faire des grimaces quand il joue, juste parce que.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Noah took a picture of himself today. He even chose a special effect. He's definitely too good with my phone.

Noah s'est pris en photo aujourd'hui. Il a meme choisi un effet special! Il est definitivement trop bon avec mon cellulaire.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Noah didn't sleep well last night and he woke up very early. He wanted his mama and not his bed, so he ended up taking a nap on the couch!
Noah n'a pas bien dormi la nuit passee et il s'est leve tres tres tot. Il,,voulait toujours sa maman et pas son lit, alors il a fini par prendre une sieste sur le divan!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bonne nuit

So cute and peaceful...deep sleep.
Tellement mignon et paisible...sommeil profond.

Monday, August 13, 2012


This was yesterday on our way back home. Noah was being silly! 
Voici Noah en retournant a la maison hier. Il etait bien comique!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Another fun ”day” at the beach. We even saw a train! And I finally have a good picture of Preston and Noah, both smiling.

Un autre ”journee” agreable a la plage. Nous avons meme vu un train! Et j'ai finalement une belle photo de Preston et Noah ensemble, et les deux sourient!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Noah fell asleep while going to the beach...
so he had a nice power nap by the ocean! 

Noah s'est endormi en allant a la plage...
alors il a fait une belle petite sieste aupres de l'ocean!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Noah got this amazing ”5 preschool puzzle playbox” for his birthday. I told him we had to do it together if he wanted to play with it. I guess he didn't hear me the first time. At least the puzzles have different patterns on the back! And now he says ”mama” while opening the box...improvement.

Noah a recu cette merveilleuse boite de 5 casse-tete pour sa fete. Je lui ai dit qu'il pouvait y jouer seulement si je le faisais avec lui. J'imagine qu'il n'a pas bien compris la premiere fois. Heureusement, les casse-tete ont differentes formes a l'endos. Maintenant, il dit ”maman” en ouvrant la boite...amelioration.

Monday, August 6, 2012

New bed

No more crib! His bedroom seems so much bigger now. He really like his new bed and he even stays in it...for now!
Plus de couchette! Sa chambre parait tellement plus grande. Il aime beaucoup son nouveau lit et il reste meme dedans...pour l'instant!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Birthday Party!

We celebrated Noah's birthday with his friends this morning. 
Nous avons celebre l'anniversaire de Noah ce matin avec ses amis.

  I really tried to stay whithin the Theme, which is Yo Gabba Gabba!
J'ai vraiment essaye de rester dans le theme, etant Yo Gabba Gabba!
 The cupcakes looked amazing and they were also delicious.
(Thankfully, I got a lot of help decorating them)
Les cupcakes etaient vraiment beaux et delicieux.
(J'ai heureusement eu beaucoup d'aide pour les decorer)
We played  "Pin the Eye on Muno".
It was weird to see him with more than one eye!
Nous avons joue a "L'oeil de Muno".
C'etait bizarre de le voir avec plus qu'un oeil!
 We sang "Happy Birthday". Noah was a little confused.
Nous avons chante "Bonne Fete" en anglais. Noah etait un peu confus.
 And he also got a lot of amazing gifts!
Et il a aussi recu tous plein de beaux cadeaux!
This was our Thank you gift to our friends: Playdough and stickers.
C'etait le petit present qu'on a donne a nos amis: Pate a modeler et collants.

Friday, August 3, 2012


The water was so warm. It was like taking a bath.
L'eau etait tellement chaude. C'etait comme prendre un bain.

He was really good at throwing his ball.
Il etait bon pour lancer sa balle.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2 years old

It's Noah's Birthday today! Already 2 years old; He's getting so big.
C'est l'anniversaire de Noah aujourd'hui! Deja 2 ans; Il a tellement grandi!
He now has an amazing chair to sit on...even on the couch.
Il a maintenant une nouvelle chaise.

We had a nice evening together. I love my family.
Nous avons eu une belle soiree en famille. J'aime ma famille.