We celebrated Noah's birthday with his friends this morning.
Nous avons celebre l'anniversaire de Noah ce matin avec ses amis.
I really tried to stay whithin the Theme, which is Yo Gabba Gabba!
J'ai vraiment essaye de rester dans le theme, etant Yo Gabba Gabba!
The cupcakes looked amazing and they were also delicious.
(Thankfully, I got a lot of help decorating them)
Les cupcakes etaient vraiment beaux et delicieux.
(J'ai heureusement eu beaucoup d'aide pour les decorer)
We played "Pin the Eye on Muno".
It was weird to see him with more than one eye!
Nous avons joue a "L'oeil de Muno".
C'etait bizarre de le voir avec plus qu'un oeil!
We sang "Happy Birthday". Noah was a little confused.
Nous avons chante "Bonne Fete" en anglais. Noah etait un peu confus.
And he also got a lot of amazing gifts!
Et il a aussi recu tous plein de beaux cadeaux!
This was our Thank you gift to our friends: Playdough and stickers.
C'etait le petit present qu'on a donne a nos amis: Pate a modeler et collants.