Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 30, 2012

"say cheeese"

It is difficult to take a good picture of Noah and Preston together. BUT we got a pretty good one.
C'est difficile de prendre une bonne photo de Preston et Noah ensemble. MAIS on en a une pas si mal.
Preston: Always ready to smile.
Noah: Too busy with his cousin's toys.
Jaxton: Perfectly centered. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Noah helped me sweep the floor tonight. He looked very serious and professional. 
Noah m'a aide a balayer dans la cuisine ce soir. Il avait l'air tres serieux et professionnel.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Buffalo wild wings

We ate wings for dinner. It was really good and Noah did really good.
Nous avons mange des ailes de poulet pour souper. C'etait tres bon et Noah a vraiment bien fait ca.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Peter Piper Pizza

This was last saturday. He really loved everything but the pizza. He only wanted to play;It was too hard to sit and eat! 
C'etait samedi passe. Il a tout aime sauf la pizza. Il voulait juste jouer;trop difficile de rester assis et manger!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Plouffe dans l'eau!

Daddy came to the pool with us today. I went under the water a lot. It was so much fun! And mama took a couple of pictures of us :)

Papa est venu a la piscine avec nous aujourd'hui. Je suis alle en dessous le l'eau plusieurs fois. C'etait tellement amusant! Et maman a meme pris des photos de nous :)
 The sun was bright.
Le soleil etait aveuglant.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer is here

Noah loves to go outside and run everywhere. It's like he doesn't feel the heat, but I do! The mornings are not too bad and the sprinklers are usually on!! :)

Noah aime vraiment aller dehors et courir partout. C'est comme s'il ne sentait pas la chaleur, mais moi oui! Les matins ne sont pas si mals et les arroseurs sont habituellement en marche!! :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Haircut- take two

Second haircut for Noah! He did so good this time and I'm so proud of him. It's so short now, but I like it! I want to touch his head the entire day!
Deuxieme coupe de cheveux pour Noah! Il a vraiment bien fait ca cette fois-ci et je suis tellement fiere de lui. C'est tellement court maintenant, mais j'aime ca! Je veux toucher sa tete toute la journee!

 He had no idea what was coming. This time, we didnt take any chance: Lollipop and Yo Gabba Gabba!
Il ne savait vraiment pas ce qui l'attendait. Cette fois-ci, on n'a pris aucune chance: Sucon et Yo Gabba Gabba! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's day

They now have matching ties; Like father like son! 
Ils sont dersormais des cravates assorties; Tel pere, tel fils!

Friday, June 15, 2012


I finally decided to buy a new pajama for Noah, one that matches! I love it; it's just too cute on him!
J'ai enfin decide d'acheter un nouveau pyjama pour Noah, un qui match! Je l'aime trop; c'est juste trop mignon sur lui!

Space issues

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Water is always welcomed at this time of the year.
L'eau est toujours bienvenue dans ce temps de l'annee.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Noah only wears his cowboy hat when I say "Yeee-haaa!"...
and he also wants to go on my back.
Noah porte son chapeau de cowboy seulement quand je dis "Yeee-haaa!"...
et il veut aussi aller sur mon dos.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Air mattress

Noah didn't feel like napping in his playpen! He's kinda afraid of it.
Noah ne voulait pas prendre sa sieste dans son parc! Il en a peur on dirait.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


We got a free appetizer at Chili's: Guacamole, salsa and chips. We all enjoyed it.
Nous avons eu une entree gratuite chez Chili's: Guacamole, salsa et chips. On a tous bien aime.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Whee-ooo, Whee-ooo!

Noah really likes to look at books. Especially if there are trucks/cars/trains inside! 
Noah aime beaucoup regarder des livres. Surtout s'il y a des trucks/autos/trains dedans!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Nez, nez, nez!
 (weird spelling, but it's pronounced ”neh”, meaning nose)

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I got some red grapes this week and wasn't sure if Noah would like them. But now I know...he LOVES grapes! Crisp and delicious.

J'ai achete des raisins rouges cette semaine et je n'etais pas certaine si Noah les aimerait. Maintenant je aime BEAUCOUP les raisins. Croquants et delicieux.

Friday, June 1, 2012


He really likes to help me with the laundry and he's good at it too! 
Il aime vraiment m'aider a faire le lavage et il est pas mal bon en plus!