Thats Noah watching his show "The Backyardigans". He was so focused et happy that he stayed on his bumblebee for the whole thing!! 25 minutes. I was impressed.
Ca cest Noah en train de regarder son emission "The Backyardigans". Il etait tellement concentre et heureux quil a reste sur son bourdon tout le long!!! 25 minutes. Jetais impressionee.
Noah really likes to go to the library with us. Theres a lot to look with his eyes and hands AND he can be in his stroller. Happy boy. Books get wet sometimes though...!
Noah aime vraiment aller a la bibliotheque avec nous. Il y a beaucoup de choses a regarder avec ses yeux et mains ET il peut faire un tour dans sa poussette. Garcon heureux. Des livres deviennent mouilles par contre...!
Those horses were crazy looking, sort of melting down like ice cream and having lots of pain and sadness. Noah didnt mind to much though. Ces chevaux etaient vraiment bizarres, genre en train de fondre comme de la creme glacee et davoir plein de douleur et de tristesse. Noah navait pas lair trop affecte.
During our trip to Target Noah wanted to sit in the back of the basket rather than the front.
Pendant notre ptit voyage au Target, Noah voulait sassoir en arriere au lieu den avant.
He was such a good boy he got a new Sipper cup and some Baby Mum-Mums!
Il etait tellement gentil quil a eu une nouvelle bouteille et des Mum-Mums!
It took a little getting used to, but he seemed to like it!
Ca la prit un peu de temps avant quil shabitue, mais ca bien lair quil aimait ca!